Tag Archives: blanchiment dentaire

Dental whitening in Lausanne: our solutions

teeth whitening

We all dream of having beautiful white teeth. It's not for nothing that teeth whitening in Lausanne is one of the most popular aesthetic treatments. What can you do to achieve a radiant smile? How does the teeth whitening procedure work? Find out all the answers in this article. A healthy smile [...]

How do I remove dental stains?

dental stains

When you inspect your mouth, you may notice a few dental stains that don't disappear after brushing. These marks occur mainly in adults, but can also affect children. The stains may appear on the front or back of your teeth, inside or outside. The brown color can be [...]

Dental bleaching and pain: preparation and care instructions

Tooth whitening and pain

Naturally, teeth are not immaculate white. Their color varies from yellow to gray. Age and lifestyle dull them further over time. However, in today's society, a bright smile is a sign of good health and an indisputable criterion of beauty. As a result, tooth whitening has become a [...]

Brown spots on teeth: prevention and solutions

Brown spots on teeth: prevention and solutions

Upon inspection of your mouth, you discover brown stains on your teeth. To your dismay, they persist after brushing. These stains appear mainly in the mouths of adults, and more rarely in those of children. They may affect one or all of the front or back teeth, on the inside or outside.

10 tips for a beautiful smile

a beautiful smile

A beautiful smile is one of the most common requests received by dentists in Lausanne and Fribourg. After all, everyone wants white teeth. It's a major asset in both personal and professional life. There are a few things you can do to keep your smile bright and long-lasting [...].

Teeth whitening: treatments, risks, prices and effectiveness

teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is an increasingly popular treatment at dentists in Lausanne and Fribourg. It's the solution for beautiful teeth and a radiant smile. In-office treatment, whitening kit, smile bar, home-whitening remedy... There are several techniques. Some are reliable, others more risky. [...]

Tooth staining and whitening: what are the solutions?

tooth staining and whitening

Tooth staining and whitening continue to preoccupy the Swiss. In a recent issue of Infodents, the Swiss Society of Dentists (SSO) takes a closer look at the subject. Aesthetic dentistry plays a major role in improving the radiance of teeth and providing a radiant smile. HELVIDENT [...]

How do you keep your teeth white and your smile bright?

teeth whitening and tooth whitening HELVIDENT

When the Swiss are asked what they'd like to improve their smile, they mostly dream of white teeth. In fact, tooth whitening is one of the most popular aesthetic treatments, from dental clinics in Fribourg to dental practices in Lausanne. Why do teeth lose their sparkle? What can you do to keep your teeth [...]

Dental bleaching: dangers and effective solutions

teeth whitening

A Swiss woman recently suffered dental pain for a week after using cheap whitening strips ordered from a Chinese website. The daily newspaper 20 minutes reported on this incident. It reminds us that teeth whitening must be carried out by a professional to avoid any risk to your oral health. The [...]
