At HELVIDENTsome of our dentists specialize in the installation of dental prostheses. In our dental center in Fribourg or in our dental clinic in St Sulpice near Lausanne. Find out more about the different procedures we perform.
There are several types of fixed dentures. Onlay, inlay, overlay, veneer, crown or bridgeHere are the differences:
- L'onlay, inlay or overlay This is a dentures designed to cover part of the tooth. It is indicated when the damaged part of the toothis too large to be rebuilt by the dentist directly, but that it is too small to make a dental crown.
- Visit dental veneer is a small ceramic shell glued to the top of a tooth. This type of restoration is used in visible areas. It requires minimal preparation of the tooth for long-lasting, aesthetic results.
- Visit dental crown by extension, it designates the prosthetic crowna dentures to protect a tooth which is alive or devitalized. It covers the part of the tooth by reconstructing the coronary portion. This procedure preserves the tooth care of new aggressions, while avoiding its extraction and complete replacement. A ceramic dental crown offers perfect aesthetics and can hide the original shade of a tooth too dark.
Visit dental bridge this term describes the joining of two dental crowns by an intermediate element, like a real bridge. When a tooththe dentist is based on teeth to replace it. It's a 3-tooth bridge. Our specialized dentists can also perform bridges with more than 3 teeth. This type of dentures is made of ceramic and guarantees excellent aesthetic results.
Visit dentures is manufactured in a dental laboratory. It requires the intervention of a dental technicianalso known as dental technician. Here are the key steps:
- Visit dentist makes an impression of your teeth during the consultation.
- Visit dental technician then designs the prosthesis in the laboratory, using a plaster model.
Visit prosthesis is placed on your teeth at the next dental appointment.
Visit removable dentures represent all types of prosthesis which patients can remove themselves. This makes it easier to clean the prosthesisthe gingiva and teeth remaining, if any. More commonly known asdentures".
- If any teeththis is a partial denture or a stellite. This prosthesis is made up of a metal frame, which is thinner and more resistant, and hooks to hold it in place. prosthesis on the teeth
- If no tooth on the jawbone, this is a complete dentures. It is made of resin and rests on the largest possible mucosal surface. These prostheses can also be installed and held by dental implants.