Category Archives: Soins Dentaires

General information on proper cleaning and oral hygiene from specialists. Dental clinics in Lausanne, Aigle and Fribourg

Diet and healthy teeth: 9 foods for good oral hygiene

healthy food and teeth

The relationship between a healthy diet and healthy teeth is a proven one. While sweets are not recommended to prevent tooth decay, there are certain foods and beverages that are best enjoyed on a daily basis. HELVIDENT presents 9 such foods and beverages which, thanks to their composition, help you maintain good oral hygiene. You'll be able to enjoy them while you're [...]

Tooth decay: causes, symptoms and treatments

tooth decay

Tooth decay is an infectious disease that affects children and adults alike. According to the World Health Organization, "half the world's population (3.58 billion) suffers from oral diseases, the most common being decay of permanent teeth". What is tooth decay? What are the symptoms? [...]

Dental hygienist: an essential profession for your health

dental hygienist Lausanne

Oral health has a real impact on the overall health of the human body. That's why the profession of dental hygienist is so important. This professional helps you take care of your teeth and mouth on a daily basis. At HELVIDENT, our teams are made up of several complementary specialists to offer you the best services. You can [...]

Dental gold collection: HELVIDENT commits to a good cause

dental gold collection in Switzerland

At HELVIDENT, we have your smile at heart, and our heart on our sleeve. Our dental centers in French-speaking Switzerland (Lausanne, Fribourg and Aigle) are actively supporting the collection of dental gold for charity. Take a look behind the scenes and find out how you can get involved. Dental gold collection Based in Geneva, the [...]

Dental emergencies: the main reasons for consultation

dental emergencies in Switzerland

The reasons for dental emergencies in Switzerland are varied. Toothache, painful abscess, broken tooth, haemorrhage, dental trauma - what kind of care and pain requires a quick consultation? Find out how to recognize serious dental emergencies. Toothache Toothache is one of the most common causes of dental [...].

Orthodontist: when and why consult an orthodontist?

orthodontist in Lausanne

Have you been advised to make an appointment with an orthodontist? Find out more about this profession and the differences between orthodontics and dentistry. What are the main reasons for consulting an orthodontist? At what age can you start seeing an orthodontist? We share all the relevant information in this article. What is orthodontics? Orthodontics [...]

Manual or electric, what type of toothbrush should you choose?

toothbrush type

Not sure which type of toothbrush is right for you? From the ancient wooden toothpick to the modern electric device, this tool has constantly evolved throughout history. It is your indispensable ally in ensuring good oral hygiene. Today, there are two categories of toothbrush: the manual [...]

Dental bleaching: dangers and effective solutions

teeth whitening

A Swiss woman recently suffered dental pain for a week after using cheap whitening strips ordered from a Chinese website. The daily newspaper 20 minutes reported on this incident. It reminds us that teeth whitening must be carried out by a professional to avoid any risk to your oral health. The [...]
