Tag Archives: extraction dentaire

Wisdom teeth surgery: tips for a successful recovery

wisdom teeth surgery

Are you about to undergo wisdom teeth surgery at a dental practice in Switzerland? Rest assured, this is a routine surgical procedure for dentists. It requires anaesthesia on the day and compliance with certain recommendations for a speedy recovery. This can vary from 3 days to more than [...].

Dental care in Switzerland for oral cavity maintenance

dental care in Switzerland

Regular maintenance of the oral cavity is essential. As well as giving you a radiant smile, dental care in Switzerland can improve your oral health. Teeth play several roles: aesthetic, functional (chewing) and phonetic (diction). In addition to your daily cleaning routine, your mouth needs specific care at a dental practice in Lausanne, [...].

When should wisdom teeth be extracted?

relieve the pain of wisdom teeth

Should wisdom teeth be extracted? If so, at what age and why? We inherited our wisdom teeth from our ancestors the great apes. In the past, they were used to chew uncooked meat and vegetables for a long time. Over the course of evolution, humans have increased the size of their brains [...].

Wisdom teeth surgery: tips for a successful recovery

wisdom teeth surgery

Are you about to undergo wisdom teeth surgery at a dental practice in Switzerland? Rest assured, this is a routine surgical procedure for dentists. It requires anaesthesia on the day and compliance with certain recommendations for a speedy recovery. This can vary from 3 days to more than [...].

How to relieve the pain of wisdom teeth: care and remedies

relieve the pain of wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last teeth to grow at the very back of the oral cavity. In fact, these four teeth appear at either end of the upper and lower jaws. They generally appear at the age of majority, between 17 and 18.

Wisdom teeth extraction: reasons and procedure

wisdom teeth extraction HELVIDENT

Do you know why wisdom teeth are called wisdom teeth? Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to come in, usually at the age of majority, between 17 and 25. In some cases, they appear much later in adults. Is wisdom teeth extraction compulsory? How does the surgery work? Is it possible to [...]
