How to relieve the pain of wisdom teeth: care and remedies

relieve the pain of wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last teeth to grow at the very back of the oral cavity. In fact, these four teeth appear at either end of the upper and lower jaws. They generally appear at the age of majority, between 17 and 21. In some people, they appear earlier, later or never at all. Their eruption is often accompanied by considerable discomfort. How can I relieve the pain of wisdom teeth? What treatments and remedies work? HELVIDENT shares its advice with you. 

Relieving wisdom tooth pain during eruption

How can you tell if your wisdom teeth are coming in? Do you feel gum sensitivity and jaw pain? Can you see a small piece of tooth at the end of your mouth? There's no doubt about it: your wisdom teeth are coming through. In some cases, they can grow in incorrectly. This results in an inclusion and pain that spreads to other teeth. In other patients, wisdom teeth can cause inflammation or cysts. Whatever the case, we recommend that you consult your dentist to ensure that wisdom teeth eruption is not accompanied by any complications. In the meantime, here are a few natural tips to relieve wisdom teeth pain.    

Salt water mouthwash

Did you know that salt has decongestant properties? This makes it an ideal ingredient for homemade mouthwash. Mix a teaspoon of salt with the equivalent of a cup of lukewarm water. Once dissolved, rinse your mouth with this salty solution for 30 to 60 seconds. Then spit it out into the sink. This easy-to-use remedy is particularly effective for swollen, sore gums. You can repeat the operation as many times as you like throughout the day.


Cloves have always been the number-one ingredient for relieving toothache. Commonly used to add flavor to culinary preparations, you'll find it in your kitchen spice cabinet. Its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and anesthetic properties are a great help in alleviating toothache. You can place a few whole cloves in your mouth. Place them against the painful tooth. You can also use clove essential oil. In this case, pour a few drops onto a cotton bud and rub gently over the sore spot. Caution: clove essential oil is not recommended for pregnant womenIt is not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers or children under 12. Ask your doctor for advice.

These natural methods are temporary solutions to tide you over until your dental appointment. They are not a substitute for a professional consultation. Only a dentist can determine whether or not wisdom teeth need to be extracted. Don't forget to thoroughly clean the area around the partially erupted wisdom tooth, even if the area is sensitive. Plaque must be removed to avoid gingival infection.

Relieving the pain of wisdom teeth after extraction

Tooth extraction is naturally accompanied by post-operative discomfort. However, there are ways of easing the pain in the days following surgery. 

Ice cream

What to do in the hours following wisdom tooth extraction? The first thing to do is place an ice pack against your cheeks. Ice limits swelling and soothes toothache. You can also use ice cubes placed in a plastic bag and a clean cloth to protect the skin. Hold the ice or ice cubes against your jaw for 15 to 20 minutes.

An analgesic

After the operation, your dentist in Lausanne, Fribourg or Aigle will probably prescribe a painkiller. Whether it's ibuprofen or paracetamol, the painkiller will combat the pain and allow you to return to your daily routine. Follow the dosage instructions given by your doctor or, failing that, on the package leaflet. Never exceed the recommended dose for pain relief. 


Our final post-extraction tip for wisdom teeth concerns thepower supply. In fact, it's essential to watch what you eat in the days following the operation. We recommend that you eat cold, liquid foods such as soups. From the second day onwards, you can switch to soft foods such as mashed potatoes. Avoid acidic, spicy, sweet and/or hot foods. If everything progresses without complication, you can gradually introduce lukewarm foods with a more consistent texture after the third day. 

Consult your dentist after wisdom teeth extraction

Do you follow your doctor's recommendations, but the pain persists? Does it prevent you from eating, sleeping or working? Take emergency appointments with your dentist in Fribourg, Aigle or Lausanne. He will check that healing is proceeding normally and that the wound has not become infected. He may also change your treatment to relieve the pain of post-procedure wisdom teeth. Your dentist may prescribe an analgesic or anti-inflammatory medication if necessary.

HELVIDENT welcomes you to its three dental clinics in Lausanne, Fribourg and Aigle. Our team of experienced dentists provides all types of oral care for children, adults and seniors. Contact us to make an appointment as soon as possible in French-speaking Switzerland.
