Tag Archives: détartrage

Why go to the dentist for scaling?

scaling at the dentist

Scaling at the dentist is essential for maintaining good oral hygiene and preventing oral disease. What are the risks of tartar build-up on the teeth? What are the benefits of professional scaling? We answer all your questions. How does tartar form on teeth? When tartar [...]

Dental care in Switzerland for oral cavity maintenance

dental care in Switzerland

Regular maintenance of the oral cavity is essential. As well as giving you a radiant smile, dental care in Switzerland can improve your oral health. Teeth play several roles: aesthetic, functional (chewing) and phonetic (diction). In addition to your daily cleaning routine, your mouth needs specific care at a dental practice in Lausanne, [...].

Dental scaling: how does the consultation work?

dental scaling

Dental scaling may not be the most pleasant of times, admittedly. Some people go to their dental appointments reluctantly, apprehensively, even with a healthy dose of fear. Others tend to skip the scaling. And yet, this dental care is essential to preserve your oral health. HELVIDENT can help you [...]

Tooth staining and whitening: what are the solutions?

tooth staining and whitening

Tooth staining and whitening continue to preoccupy the Swiss. In a recent issue of Infodents, the Swiss Society of Dentists (SSO) takes a closer look at the subject. Aesthetic dentistry plays a major role in improving the radiance of teeth and providing a radiant smile. HELVIDENT [...]
