Tag Archives: hygiène dentaire

The effects of smoking on oral hygiene

The effects of smoking on oral hygiene

It's no secret that tobacco consumption is detrimental to overall health, starting with the oral cavity. In Switzerland, almost 9,500 people die every year from the effects of smoking. The first to suffer are the teeth, gums, tongue and lips. In addition to lung disease and respiratory [...]

Basic principles of oral prophylaxis

oral prophylaxis

In 2018, the Swiss Society of Dentists SSO published the results of a survey on oral prophylaxis. It reveals that around 2 out of 3 people who visit a dentist in Switzerland do so as a preventive measure. In fact, check-ups are the only way to verify the condition of teeth, gums and gums [...].

Diet and healthy teeth: 9 foods for good oral hygiene

healthy food and teeth

The relationship between a healthy diet and healthy teeth is a proven one. While sweets are not recommended to prevent tooth decay, there are certain foods and beverages that are best enjoyed on a daily basis. HELVIDENT presents 9 such foods and beverages which, thanks to their composition, help you maintain good oral hygiene. You'll be able to enjoy them while you're [...]

Dental hygienist: an essential profession for your health

dental hygienist Lausanne

Oral health has a real impact on the overall health of the human body. That's why the profession of dental hygienist is so important. This professional helps you take care of your teeth and mouth on a daily basis. At HELVIDENT, our teams are made up of several complementary specialists to offer you the best services. You can [...]
