Tag Archives: santé bucco-dentaire

Good resolutions for the health of your teeth

Foods good for teeth

The entire team at Helvident dental centers and clinics wishes you a happy new year 2024 with good health and lots of smiles! Each new year brings its own set of good resolutions. What if you decided to adopt better habits to take care of your teeth this year? We give you all the tips you need to [...]

Stress and oral health: what impact?

Stress and oral health

Is there a link between stress and oral health? At first glance, you might be tempted to answer "no". In fact, good oral health is associated with daily hygiene habits such as tooth brushing and a low-sugar diet. But studies show that stress can have serious consequences on oral health.

The benefits of water for oral health

the benefits of water

March 22 marks World Water Day, celebrated by the United Nations every year since 1993. To mark the occasion, the HELVIDENT team is highlighting the benefits of water for oral health. Indeed, your general well-being depends on the health of your mouth. Good hydration and oral hygiene are essential to [...]

Oral microbiota and impact on general health

dental treatment Lausanne

Formerly known as the "oral flora", the oral microbiota refers to all the micro-organisms present in the oral cavity. In a healthy state, with good dental hygiene, the composition of the microbiota remains stable with its environment and the host. However, this balance is fragile and can have more or less serious consequences for the human body as a whole. [...]

Tooth care through diet: steps to take every day

tooth care through diet

The daily routine of oral hygiene is fundamental to keeping your mouth healthy. But there are other things you can do to preserve enamel, avoid cavities and reduce the risk of gingivitis. Find out how to protect and care for your teeth through diet with a few simple tips. The [...]

Strengthening teeth through diet: 6 essential vitamins and minerals

strengthening teeth vitamins and minerals

Did you know that there are ways of strengthening teeth through diet? In fact, you can improve enamel resistance by providing your body with certain essential vitamins and minerals. Calcium and phosphorus, as well as vitamins A, C, D and K, are ideal allies for oral health. Discover their benefits on [...]

Oral health for seniors: myths and realities

Oral health for seniors HELVIDENT

Do you have questions about seniors' oral health? When it comes to dentistry, each age group has its own specific characteristics, which you need to be aware of if you are to offer sound advice. HELVIDENT confirms or disproves 5 common ideas held by senior citizens. Find out what the myths and realities are about the oral health of people over the age of [...].

10 habits that damage dental health

avoid damaging your teeth

Teeth are put to the test every day. They must constantly fight against the attacks of bacteria. Sometimes, however, we make things difficult for them by adopting habits that are detrimental to the health of our teeth. Apart from the effects of smoking, HELVIDENT presents 10 other common mistakes to help you recognize them [...].

Oral health during pregnancy: answers to your questions

oral health during pregnancy

Are you expecting a baby? The HELVIDENT team would like to congratulate you on this happy event! We'd like to take this opportunity to take a look at oral health during pregnancy. What changes in a pregnant woman's mouth? Does your oral hygiene affect that of your baby?
