Tag Archives: hygiène bucco-dentaire des bébés

Baby teeth: how to care for them?

baby teeth

How to ensure oral hygiene for babies? From birth, babies need oral care. This applies even if the baby's teeth have not yet erupted, or if they are primary teeth. This helps prevent future cavities and infections in the mouth. We provide answers [...]

Children learn oral hygiene at an early age

oral hygiene for children

The number-one problem threatening children's oral hygiene in Switzerland is tooth decay. Although dentists from Fribourg to Lausanne are seeing an improvement, the risks are still there. It's not uncommon for cavities to form on the milk teeth of very young children. By the age of 5 [...]

Baby's teeth: recognizing and relieving teething problems

baby teeth

At what age does a baby's first tooth appear? How can you tell if your baby is teething? How can you relieve your baby's teething problems? These are questions that preoccupy all parents during their child's first year of life. As a general rule, the first baby tooth appears around 6 months of age [...].

10 questions about babies' oral hygiene

baby teeth

Good oral hygiene is essential for babies, from birth onwards. Indeed, care is essential even if the teeth have not yet erupted, or if they are primary teeth. This helps prevent future cavities and infections in the mouth of young children. To find out more, [...]
