Category Archives: Soins Dentaires

General information on proper cleaning and oral hygiene from specialists. Dental clinics in Lausanne, Aigle and Fribourg

How do I become a dentist in Switzerland?

choosing a dentist in French-speaking Switzerland

Would you like to become a dentist in Switzerland? Is your child interested in studying dentistry? The HELVIDENT team explains what you need to know about training to become a dentist in Switzerland, how it works and what prospects there are for this profession. How do you train to become a dentist in Switzerland? To be admitted to the dental profession, you must first obtain a "maturité gymnasiale" (high school diploma) [...].

Oral hygiene for seniors in Switzerland

Two 3rd age people with white teeth

In Switzerland, seniors' oral hygiene has deteriorated in recent years. In fact, it is estimated that at least 30 % of the elderly suffer from oral diseases, with serious repercussions on daily life. What are the consequences of poor oral health? How can they be avoided? The Helvident dental center team shares its [...]

Diet and dental health

bad eating habits for teeth

The mouth is the body's first point of contact with the food we eat. Teeth are used to chew food before swallowing. This is the first step in the digestion process. What's the relationship between diet and dental health? Find out how the Helvident team can help you look after your teeth.

Periodontal disease: prevention and treatment

gingivitis or periodontitis

Your dentist and hygienist advise you to maintain good oral hygiene to keep your whole mouth healthy. Good oral habits also help prevent the onset of periodontal disease. These oral pathologies can have a direct impact on the development of systemic diseases that can seriously affect your overall health. How to [...]

Which toothpaste should you choose for brushing your teeth?

opening hours dentist in Lausanne

Whitening toothpaste, fluoride toothpaste, plaque-fighting toothpaste or special toothpaste for sensitive teeth... There's a wide variety on the market, and it's not always easy to find the right one. Which toothpaste should you choose to brush your teeth properly? Toothpaste is an essential oral hygiene product at every stage of life. Discover the importance of [...]

Oral microbiota and impact on general health

dental treatment Lausanne

Formerly known as the "oral flora", the oral microbiota refers to all the micro-organisms present in the oral cavity. In a healthy state, with good dental hygiene, the composition of the microbiota remains stable with its environment and the host. However, this balance is fragile and can have more or less serious consequences for the human body as a whole. [...]

Dental emergencies in Fribourg: when to consult?

There are many different reasons why you may need to seek emergency dental care in Fribourg. Dental trauma, painful abscesses, broken teeth, toothache or even bleeding... Some dental treatments require immediate consultation to avoid complications and pain. What serious situations are considered dental emergencies? How do I find a dental [...]

Treating gingivitis, inflammation of the gums

bleeding gums treating gingivitis

Several types of pathology can occur in the oral cavity. Among them is gingivitis. In other words, inflammation of the gums. If not treated in time, it can progressively develop into a periodontal disease known as periodontitis. HELVIDENT explains how to treat gingivitis. The main symptoms [...]
