Tag Archives: dents saines

Make oral hygiene part of your daily routine: our tips

Young woman brushing her teeth

A radiant smile and fresh breath are invaluable assets to your self-confidence and general well-being. But beyond aesthetics, good dental hygiene is essential for preserving the health of your teeth and gums, and preventing more serious problems such as cavities, periodontal disease and even certain systemic ailments.

Good food for teeth: oral health also comes from the plate

Foods good for teeth

When we talk about oral health, we tend to think of foods and drinks to avoid. On this subject, you can read our article on bad eating habits for your teeth. However, there are also many foods that are good for your teeth and bring real benefits in terms of oral hygiene. [...]

Dental scaling: how does the consultation work?

dental scaling

Dental scaling may not be the most pleasant of times, admittedly. Some people go to their dental appointments reluctantly, apprehensively, even with a healthy dose of fear. Others tend to skip the scaling. And yet, this dental care is essential to preserve your oral health. HELVIDENT can help you [...]

Strengthening teeth through diet: 6 essential vitamins and minerals

strengthening teeth vitamins and minerals

Did you know that there are ways of strengthening teeth through diet? In fact, you can improve enamel resistance by providing your body with certain essential vitamins and minerals. Calcium and phosphorus, as well as vitamins A, C, D and K, are ideal allies for oral health. Discover their benefits on [...]

Toothache: what to do to relieve the pain?

Dental pain treatment lausanne

Toothache is also known as intense dental pain or odontalgia. It's a dental problem that's extremely painful and often hard to bear. However, there are solutions to calm the crisis. You should make an appointment with your dentist immediately to treat the condition. What are the symptoms of toothache? When a person suffers from toothache, the symptoms are [...]

Why go to the dentist for scaling?

scaling at the dentist

Scaling at the dentist is essential for maintaining good oral hygiene and preventing oral disease. What are the risks of tartar build-up on the teeth? What are the benefits of professional scaling? We answer all your questions. How does tartar form on teeth? When tartar [...]

What's the right diet for healthy teeth?

What to eat for healthy teeth

The link between quality food and oral health is well established. While sweets are not recommended to prevent cavities, there are certain foods and beverages that should be favored on a daily basis. What's the right diet for healthy teeth? HELVIDENT presents a list of products to help you keep your teeth healthy.

Taking care of your teeth over the holidays

Taking care of your teeth over the holidays

Diet has a direct impact on the way your body functions and on your general state of health. What is less well known is that it also has repercussions on oral hygiene. In fact, the festive season often rhymes with excess. In fact, many of the foods and drinks we consume at this time of year are harmful to our teeth, gums and teeth-related [...].
