Toothbrushes: manual, electric or sonic?


Manual toothbrushes

This is the classic, most familiar toothbrush, the one we've all used before. Most toothbrushes available on the market today have synthetic bristles. 

Brushes with natural bristles are also available. Their use is not recommended, as they provide a breeding ground for bacteria.

In all cases, choose a model with a rounded tip to protect teeth and gums. The brush head should be short to effectively clean all teeth, especially those at the back of the oral cavity. It provides easy access to hard-to-reach areas. 

There is, however, a downside to using a manual toothbrush. In fact, dentists in Lausanne, Fribourg and Aigle have found that manual brushing can damage enamel. The mistake lies in brushing too vigorously and the use of hard-bristled brushes. Over time, enamel and gums become damaged. This can lead to tooth sensitivity.

Electric toothbrushes

Electric brushes are proven to be twice as effective as manual brushes. This doesn't mean that you'll spend less time brushing, just less physical effort. This modern brush does all the work for you. All you have to do is move it over every tooth surface.

This type of toothbrush is a great help for those who can't use a manual model effectively. It is particularly useful for senior citizens, disabled or sick people, and for those who need to use a manual toothbrush. the children. Because it's easy to handle, you don't need to scrub.  

Most electric toothbrushes are equipped with pressure sensors. This system measures the pressure exerted on the tooth and locks the mechanism if you press too hard. In this way, you avoid the risk of damaging your enamel or gums.

Hydrodynamic sonic toothbrushes

The latest arrival is the hydrodynamic sonic toothbrush. It is recommended by dentists worldwide. This new technology enables it to oscillate at least 30,000 times per minute. It therefore promises a deeper cleaning of the mouth, without the need for specific training.

To give you an idea, a manual brush can only achieve around 300 to 400 strokes per minute. That's 100 times slower than a sonic toothbrush. So it's impossible to achieve the same result with hand force alone.

In addition to improving mechanical cleaning of teeth, the frequency of a sonic toothbrush creates non-contact cleaning. The speed of the oscillations creates a current of fluids in the mouth. This hydrodynamic phenomenon works like a wave pool in a water park. The movements cause saliva and toothpaste to create waves that work their way between teeth and below the gum line, washing away bacteria and food residues.

As a result, hydrodynamic sonic toothbrushes have the advantage of cleaning teeth and interdental spaces very thoroughly without damaging gums. People with implants, gingivitis, periodontitis or exposed dental necks are well advised to use them. The same applies to those with poor toothbrushing technique. This brush model is available for children aged 4 and over.

When should I change my toothbrush?

How you use your toothbrush depends on the model you choose. One thing applies to all toothbrushes: you should replace yours as soon as the bristles become worn or bent. Indeed, the brush's effectiveness diminishes when the bristles become damaged. 

On average, dental hygienists in Lausanne and Fribourg recommend changing brushes every 3 months. Remember that plaque is the cause of gingivitis, while ineffective brushing increases the risk of cavities. Taking care of your oral health is essential to staying healthy. That's why it's essential to brush your teeth properly at all times.

The HELVIDENT team includes dentists, specialists and hygienists at our three dental centers in Aigle, Fribourg and Lausanne. Don't hesitate to Contact us.
