Do you suffer from sensitivity or bleeding gums ? We recommend that you consult a dentist to avoid dental emergencies.
At HELVIDENTour team of dentists performs all routine and specialized dentistry. You can make an appointment in our dental center in Fribourg or in our dental clinic in St Sulpice near Lausanne.
Visit periodontics is a specialty of the dentistryjust like theorthodontics or theendodontics.
Visit periodontium refers to all the tissues that support the tooth and hold it hermetically sealed in the jawbone. It groups the gingivathe bone tissuethe cement and the periodontal ligament.
Visit periodontitis is an inflammatory disease that destroys the supporting tissues of the tooth. It is caused by bacteria.
Initially, the bacterial attack occurs on the surface. It manifests itself as a gum sensitivity and bleeding. These are the very first symptoms. If treated in time, this stage of inflammation is reversible. There is no destruction of the periodontium. This is a gingivitis.
Over time, the bacterial attack progresses deep into the tissues, moving down the tooth root. Bone tissue is destroyed. At this stage, the loss of material is irreversible. The dentist specialized then diagnoses a periodontitis. Eventually, the patient is no longer able to chew properly, and the affected tooth eventually loosens. It is estimated that 70 % of tooth loss in adults are caused by periodontitis.

To treat inflammatory diseases of the periodontiumthe toothbrush and the dental floss are not enough.
A hygienista dentist or a periodontologist must intervene quickly in order to treat you. The earlier the disease is treated, the less tissue will be destroyed and the less you will suffer the after-effects of the bacterial attack. In this way, you maximize your chances of obtaining conclusive results after the treatment. dental care.
TheHELVIDENT has a periodontologist. She is dentist specialized in this type of dental pathologies it deals with on a daily basis.
Visit HELVIDENT dental centers are equipped with state-of-the-art technology. Our team produces digital X-rays to reduce the dose of X-rays received by patients.
Our periodontologist may be required to take you through a dental radiography to assess the damage caused by the bacterial attack. These images will help him to establish his diagnosis and choose the solution best suited to your situation.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information on our dental treatments or to make an appointment with our periodontologist.