You have lost a tooth following a cariesa trauma or periodontal disease ? The solution: perform a dental implant. At HELVIDENTour team of dentists performs all routine and specialized dentistryincluding theimplantology.
You can make an appointment in our dental center in Fribourg or in our dental clinic in St Sulpice near Lausanne. We recommend that you consult us as a precautionary measure to avoid dental emergencies.
A dental implant is a artificial dental root which replaces a defective natural root. It takes the form of a small titanium screw, some manufacturers even use ceramic. It is inserted into theos de la mâchoire during light surgery.
The bone accepts the screw, and bone cells bond to the titanium surface. This period of fusion generally lasts 2 to 3 months. From then on, thedental implant is osseointegrated or stabilized in the bone.
A few weeks after the operation, our implant dentist sets a dentures on theimplant. This replaces the tooth lost.
The aim of the dental implant treatment is both aesthetic and functional. More than just a long-term solution for restoring a tooth, you'll see an improvement in the quality of your daily life. You can now full smile teeth, talk and enjoy all foods without any discomfort. The sensation is comfortable and natural.
In terms of price, the dental implant placement represents a significant initial investment. However, it proves less costly in the long term than other temporary options. After the initial consultation with your dental surgeonWe'll give you a personalized quote. Several types and sizes of dental implants are available.

Before installing a implantthe dentist always ensures that the jaw can hold the screw in place and that the gums are strong and healthy. This is a prerequisite for a successful operation.
Within the HELVIDENT dental clinicswe decided to work with manufacturers ofimplants internationally recognized, such as Straumann®. This Swiss company based in the Jura region is one of the 3 leaders in theimplantology in the world. The group is present in a large number of countries. The advantage if you're traveling or living abroad after completing a dental implant ? There's a good chance you'll find a dentist who knows the system Straumann dental implant® and has the necessary equipment to treat you.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information on our dental implants or make an appointment with one of our dentists experts in implantology.