Good food for teeth: oral health also comes from the plate

Foods good for teeth

When we talk about oral health, we tend to think of foods and drinks to avoid. On this subject, you can read our article on bad eating habits for your teeth. However, there are also many foods that are good for teeth and provide real benefits in terms of oral hygiene. HELVIDENT invites you to discover a list of products that are ideal for healthy teeth. Treat yourself without damaging your mouth!

The role of diet in oral health

Respect the rules of good oral hygiene is essential for maintaining healthy teeth. This means regular brushing after every meal to remove plaque. It should be complemented by thorough interdental cleaning once a day, and regular check-ups with your dentist in Fribourg or Lausanne. 

That said, oral health is also a matter of eating well. In fact, a healthy, balanced diet is a key factor. Products rich in sugars and acids encourage the development of cavities, especially if they remain in the mouth for a long time. These are known as cariogenic foods. 

Conversely, some tooth-friendly foods can limit erosion and remineralize enamel. These are known as cariostatic foods. All you have to do is choose what you eat every day, and you'll have a beautiful smile. 

List of foods good for teeth

Still water

Still water is the best beverage for your body and your oral health. It allows you to rinse your mouth at the end of a meal and eliminate food debris. For added benefit, you can choose a lightly fluoridated mineral water. Dental hygienists in Fribourg and Lausanne recommend drinking a glass of water before going to bed. This reduces the bacterial load in the mouth overnight.

The apple

This fiber-rich fruit is reputed to be good for teeth. The mechanical action of biting into an apple cleans the surface of the teeth and polishes the enamel. It also increases saliva production. However, avoid highly acidic apples such as Granny Smith and very sweet varieties such as Golden. 

Raw carrot

Like apples, the texture of raw carrots has benefits for your teeth. It eliminates food residues lodged between the teeth, naturally fighting plaque. Raw carrots also limit tooth erosion by reducing mouth acidity. Don't hesitate to chew a raw carrot stick to finish your meal!


Fluoride is an excellent mineral for good oral hygiene. It strengthens enamel and the bones that support teeth. And if there's one fish that's rich in fluoride, it's salmon, especially wild salmon: around 1.9 mg/100 g. You can eat it 2 or 3 times a month to cover your needs.

The cheese

Cheese is a real ally when it comes to oral health. It's an important source of calcium and phosphorus, two essential minerals for remineralizing enamel. So you can avoid cavities by naturally strengthening your teeth through your diet. Choose pressed, cooked cheeses such as Emmental. 

Green vegetables

Kale, spinach, parsley... All green vegetables contain vitamins and minerals that are good for your teeth. So you can improve the resistance of your enamel, without eating acidic or sugary foods. These fluoride- and vitamin-rich vegetables also combat gum inflammation.


More commonly known as cranberry. This little red berry contains a certain type of antioxidant that prevents bacteria from attaching to the teeth. We recommend that you consume this fruit in its fresh or dried form. In fact, cranberry juice is very high in sugar. 

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate has many virtues for general health. It is one of the foods that are good for teeth, as cocoa contains tannins that neutralize acids. In addition, its polyphenols limit the development of bacteria responsible for gingivitis and periodontitis. Choose dark chocolate with a minimum cocoa content of 70 %. 

Xylitol chewing gum

Chewing gum activates the salivation process. Saliva rinses the mouth and eliminates oral bacteria. If you can't brush your teeth after a meal, chew sugar-free xylitol chewing gum. Don't hesitate to choose a product with the Sympadent label. 

Now you have all the tips you need to include tooth-friendly foods in your daily meals. You can also seek advice from a dental hygienist in Fribourg, Lausanne or Aigle, at one of HELVIDENT's dental clinics. Our team welcomes children and adults for all types of intervention. 
