La grossesse est une période de joie et d’anticipation, mais elle s’accompagne également de nombreux changements physiques et hormonaux qui peuvent impacter la santé bucco-dentaire des femmes enceintes. Il est essentiel pour les futures mamans de porter une attention particulière à leur hygiène buccale afin de préserver leur propre santé et celle de leur bébé. Cet article vous guidera à travers les spécificités de la santé bucco-dentaire pendant la grossesse, en abordant les changements hormonaux, les risques potentiels et les précautions à prendre pour un sourire éclatant et une grossesse en toute sérénité.
Category Archives: Soins Dentaires
General information on proper cleaning and oral hygiene from specialists. Dental clinics in Lausanne, Aigle and Fribourg
A radiant smile and fresh breath are invaluable assets to your self-confidence and general well-being. But beyond aesthetics, good dental hygiene is essential for preserving the health of your teeth and gums, and preventing more serious problems such as cavities, periodontal disease and even certain systemic ailments.
Many people use the terms "dentist" and "orthodontist" interchangeably, thinking they refer to the same professional. Although both work in the field of dentistry and oral health, their roles and specializations are distinct. Understanding the difference between a dentist and an orthodontist is crucial to choosing the right professional for your needs.
The New Year is often synonymous with renewal and good resolutions. Why not start the year with a healthy smile? A radiant smile is a major boost to self-confidence and general well-being. Here's some expert advice on how to achieve and maintain a radiant smile all year round.
The festive season is synonymous with joy, sharing and... closeness! To make the most of these precious moments without worrying about your breath, impeccable oral hygiene is essential. In this article, you'll find expert advice and practical tips for keeping your breath fresh throughout the festivities.
December, the month of festivities, family gatherings and... dental emergencies? No one wants to spend the vacation season at the dentist. However, excess sugar, stress and cold weather can weaken your teeth and increase the risk of oral problems. In this article, you'll find expert advice and practical strategies for avoiding emergency dental care in December, and making the most of the festive season.
This article offers expert advice and practical recommendations on how to care for your teeth in winter and maintain optimal oral health. And find out how Helvident clinics can help.
This article offers expert advice and recommendations for looking after your smile during this special time. Find out more about the services offered by Helvident clinics to support expectant mothers on their journey to good oral health.
Periodontitis, also known as periodontal disease or gum disease, is a chronic bacterial infection that affects the supporting tissues of the teeth, including the gums, alveolar bone and periodontal ligament. Often silent in its early stages, periodontitis can have serious consequences, ranging from tooth loss to general health complications.
Losing one or more teeth can have a significant impact on oral health, smile aesthetics and quality of life. Fortunately, dental implants offer a durable and effective solution for replacing missing teeth and restoring a full, functional smile. This article guides you through the dental implant process, long-term benefits, materials used and post-operative care, to inform you about this tooth replacement option offered by Helvident clinics.