Tag Archives: brossage des dents

Interdental cleaning: which accessories to use?

interdental cleaning

Interdental cleaning is one of the best ways to improve oral hygiene. Yet it's often overlooked. Toothbrushes, whether manual or electric, can't reach every nook and cranny of your mouth, especially the spaces between your teeth. So you need to use other accessories to dislodge the stubborn [...].

Electric toothbrush: mistakes to avoid for effective brushing

electric toothbrush

Do you dream of a beautiful smile? The secret lies in good daily oral hygiene. And the electric toothbrush is your best ally in this area. But it's important to use it correctly to ensure optimal teeth cleaning. HELVIDENT reveals the most common mistakes you can make, so you can [...]

Toothbrushes: manual, electric or sonic?


Manual toothbrushes This is the classic, most familiar toothbrush we've all used. Most manual toothbrushes on the market today have synthetic bristles. There are also brushes with natural bristles. Their use is not recommended, however, as they offer a [...]

Sensitive teeth: what to do?

sensitive teeth

In Switzerland, many people suffer from sensitive teeth. This symptom manifests itself as pain or discomfort when consuming certain types of food or drink. Sipping tea that's too hot, biting into an apple, tasting ice cream or even brushing your teeth can all cause an unpleasant sensation. [...]

The different types of toothpaste for adults

toothpaste types

Fluoride toothpaste, whitening toothpaste, toothpaste for sensitive teeth or plaque remover... It's not always easy to find your way around the different types of toothpaste available. How do you choose the right toothpaste for your teeth? Toothpaste is an essential oral hygiene product at every stage of life. Find out more about the role of toothpaste [...]

Which toothpaste should you choose for brushing your teeth?

opening hours dentist in Lausanne

Whitening toothpaste, fluoride toothpaste, plaque-fighting toothpaste or special toothpaste for sensitive teeth... There's a wide variety on the market, and it's not always easy to find the right one. Which toothpaste should you choose to brush your teeth properly? Toothpaste is an essential oral hygiene product at every stage of life. Discover the importance of [...]

Manual or electric toothbrush: how to choose?

Manual or electric toothbrush

Looking for a toothbrush that suits your needs? This accessory has evolved over the millennia, from the ancient wooden toothpick to the modern electric device. It's a real ally in ensuring good oral hygiene. Today, there are two categories: manual toothbrushes and electric toothbrushes.

Interdental cleaning: which accessories to use?

interdental cleaning

Interdental cleaning is one of the best ways to improve oral hygiene. Yet it's often overlooked. Toothbrushes, whether manual or electric, can't reach every nook and cranny of your mouth, especially the spaces between your teeth. So you need to use other accessories to dislodge [...]

Oral hygiene: 10 tips for a healthy mouth

oral hygiene HELVIDENT

Maintaining good oral and dental hygiene is essential to overall health. In fact, our mouths are the main point of entry for countless bacteria every day. The HELVIDENT team shares its advice on how to prevent cavities, gingivitis, bad breath and more.
