Category Archives: Soins Dentaires

General information on proper cleaning and oral hygiene from specialists. Dental clinics in Lausanne, Aigle and Fribourg

Dental care in Switzerland for oral cavity maintenance

dental care in Switzerland

Regular maintenance of the oral cavity is essential. As well as giving you a radiant smile, dental care in Switzerland can improve your oral health. Teeth play several roles: aesthetic, functional (chewing) and phonetic (diction). In addition to your daily cleaning routine, your mouth needs specific care at a dental practice in Lausanne, [...].

Orthodontics for children in Switzerland: when and why?

Orthodontics for children in Switzerland

Every parent wants to see their little one smile! This is also the aim of orthodontic specialists for children in Switzerland. Beyond the aesthetic aspect, the advantage of orthodontic treatment for young children is to correct dental problems at an early stage. At what age should a child consult an orthodontic specialist?

Electric toothbrush: mistakes to avoid for effective brushing

electric toothbrush

Do you dream of a beautiful smile? The secret lies in good daily oral hygiene. And the electric toothbrush is your best ally in this area. But it's important to use it correctly to ensure optimal teeth cleaning. HELVIDENT reveals the most common mistakes you can make, so you can [...]

Mouth ulcers: dentists answer your questions

Mouth ulcers

Mouth ulcers appear as small, round or oval ulcers. They're superficial and non-contagious, but can be a nuisance when you're eating or talking. In most cases, these ulcers disappear spontaneously within a week. Our dentists in Lausanne and Fribourg answer the most frequently asked questions.

Stress and oral health: what impact?

Stress and oral health

Is there a link between stress and oral health? At first glance, you might be tempted to answer "no". In fact, good oral health is associated with daily hygiene habits such as tooth brushing and a low-sugar diet. But studies show that stress can have serious consequences on oral health.

Xerostomia: how to treat dry mouth?

xerostomia dry mouth

Xerostomia is the medical term for dry mouth. This unpleasant sensation is generally temporary. It results from insufficient production by the salivary glands. The causes may vary from one person to another. While xerostomia is not serious in itself, it can be detrimental to oral health in the long term, or a symptom [...].

Tooth misalignment in adults

Tooth misalignment in adults

Tooth misalignment in adults is often the cause of complexities. It is generally perceived as a handicap in everyday life, both at home and at work. Rest assured, misaligned teeth are not inevitable. There are new techniques for aligning teeth invisibly to restore a beautiful, straight appearance.

Foods and drinks that stain teeth

Foods and drinks that stain teeth

You've probably already consumed a dark-colored product before realizing that it has left marks on your tongue and teeth. How can you avoid this? Here at Helvident, we've put together a list of foods and drinks that stain teeth, and shared some tips on how to avoid tarnishing your [...]

When should wisdom teeth be extracted?

relieve the pain of wisdom teeth

Should wisdom teeth be extracted? If so, at what age and why? We inherited our wisdom teeth from our ancestors the great apes. In the past, they were used to chew uncooked meat and vegetables for a long time. Over the course of evolution, humans have increased the size of their brains [...].

What's the right diet for healthy teeth?

What to eat for healthy teeth

The link between quality food and oral health is well established. While sweets are not recommended to prevent cavities, there are certain foods and beverages that should be favored on a daily basis. What's the right diet for healthy teeth? HELVIDENT presents a list of products to help you keep your teeth healthy.
