Tag Archives: soins dentaires

Strengthening teeth through diet: 6 essential vitamins and minerals

strengthening teeth vitamins and minerals

Did you know that there are ways of strengthening teeth through diet? In fact, you can improve enamel resistance by providing your body with certain essential vitamins and minerals. Calcium and phosphorus, as well as vitamins A, C, D and K, are ideal allies for oral health. Discover their benefits on [...]

Dental care for the elderly in Switzerland

dental care for the elderly

Neglecting oral hygiene can lead to complications that affect overall health. This is particularly true as we age, which is why dental care for the elderly is so important in Switzerland. A new specialty has emerged in dentistry. It is now known as gerodontology. Oral hygiene for the elderly Increasing life expectancy poses a number of challenges.

Oral hygiene during the festive season

Taking care of your teeth over the holidays

The festive season is usually a time of excess. What we eat not only affects the way our bodies function, but also our oral hygiene. During the festive season, we consume many foods and beverages that are harmful to our teeth, gums and mouth as a whole. Find out how to take good care of your teeth, gums and mouth.

Dental crowns that have fallen out: what to do?

dental care in Lausanne

Fitting a dental crown is a common procedure in dentistry. It is used to restore a damaged, broken, devitalized or missing tooth. It can also be used to strengthen a decayed tooth or improve the aesthetics of a dentition. But what should you do if your dentures come loose or get lost? Here's our advice on what to do in such a situation. Why a dental crown?

Toothache: what to do to relieve the pain?

Dental pain treatment lausanne

Toothache is also known as intense dental pain or odontalgia. It's a dental problem that's extremely painful and often hard to bear. However, there are solutions to calm the crisis. You should make an appointment with your dentist immediately to treat the condition. What are the symptoms of toothache? When a person suffers from toothache, the symptoms are [...]

Why go to the dentist for scaling?

scaling at the dentist

Scaling at the dentist is essential for maintaining good oral hygiene and preventing oral disease. What are the risks of tartar build-up on the teeth? What are the benefits of professional scaling? We answer all your questions. How does tartar form on teeth? When tartar [...]

Dental care in Switzerland for oral cavity maintenance

dental care in Switzerland

Regular maintenance of the oral cavity is essential. As well as giving you a radiant smile, dental care in Switzerland can improve your oral health. Teeth play several roles: aesthetic, functional (chewing) and phonetic (diction). In addition to your daily cleaning routine, your mouth needs specific care at a dental practice in Lausanne, [...].

Mouth ulcers: dentists answer your questions

Mouth ulcers

Mouth ulcers appear as small, round or oval ulcers. They're superficial and non-contagious, but can be a nuisance when you're eating or talking. In most cases, these ulcers disappear spontaneously within a week. Our dentists in Lausanne and Fribourg answer the most frequently asked questions.

Periodontitis: causes, treatment and prevention

gingivitis or periodontitis

Periodontitis is often the consequence of gingivitis. Often painful, it generally causes bad breath and swollen gums. What factors lead to periodontal disease? How can we treat it and prevent its onset? Find out all the answers to these questions in our article. What is periodontitis?
